Stock Information

Key Figures per Share

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Price at year-end CHF 768.50 CHF 808.00 CHF 1,338.00 CHF 809.00 CHF 1206.00
Highest price CHF 779.50 CHF 814.00 CHF 1,362.00 CHF 1,370.00 CHF 1,226.00
Date 23-Dec 4-Dec 18-Dec 4-Jan 14-Dec
Lowest price CHF 468.40 CHF 510.00 CHF 800.00 CHF 633.00 CHF 823.00
Date 3-Jan 20-Mar 4-Jan 29-Sep 3-Jan
Earnings per share (basic) CHF 21.66 CHF 20.18 CHF 32.87 CHF 36.22 CHF 43.24
Equity per share CHF 85.66 CHF 91.23 CHF 103.37 CHF 113.47 CHF 139.12
Dividend / Distribution per share CHF 18.00 CHF 16.00 CHF 21.00 CHF 18.00 CHF 20.00

Share Price

Share Register

Devigus Shareholder Services

Birkenstrasse 47, 6343 Rotkreuz, Switzerland

Tel: +41 (0)41 798 48 48

Fax: +41 (0)41 798 48 49

Analyst Coverage

INFICON is followed by the analysts listed below. Please note that any opinions, estimates or forecasts regarding INFICON’s performance made by these analysts are theirs alone and do not represent opinions, forecasts or predictions of INFICON or its management. By its reference or distribution here, INFICON does not imply its endorsement of or concurrence with such information, conclusions or recommendations.

Firm Analyst E-Mail
Baader Helvea Mamelli Zana
Bank of America Marie Ganneval
Bank Vontobel Michael Foeth
Berenberg Lucas Glemser
Jefferies Martin Comtesse
Kepler Chevreux Doron Lande
Octavian Nejc Lavric
Research Partner Reto Huber
Stifel tbd
UBS Joern Iffert
Zürcher Kantonalbank Michael Inauen

Analyst Visit

Following the release of our quarterly results, INFICON offers regular visits to analysts who would like to visit with us. Our CEO, Oliver Wyrsch will give you an overview, the agenda includes a Q&A session and you’ll also enjoy a brief tour of our facilities, offering a firsthand look at our cutting-edge technologies. These meetings are no source of new financial or strategic information. If you are interested in participating in these events, you can enroll here and we will get back to you.